آموزش زبان انگلیسی

زبان انگلیسی | زمان حال ساده در زبان انگلیسی

زبان انگلیسی


زمان حال ساده در زبان انگلیسی



درس هجدهم


نکته دستوری:
زمان حال ساده توصیف می کند عملی را که هر روز به صورت عادت تکرار شود برای این ساختن زمان فعل اصلی را مستقیماً بعد از فاعل به کار می بریم:
تذکر: فعل سوم شخص در این حالت s می گیرد:
من هر روز برای خداوند نماز می خوانم.
شما هر روز برای خدا نماز می خوانید.
او هر روز برای خدا نماز می‌خواند.
تو هر روز برای خدا نماز می خوانی.
آنها هر روز برای خدا نماز می خوانند.
I pray to Allah every day.
You pray to Allah every day.
He praysto Allah every day.
She praysto Allah every day.
We pray to Allah every day.
You pray to Allah every day.
They pray to Allah every day.
اگر فعل به (o-ch-sh) ختم شود برای سوم شخص مفرد بایستی به آخر آن es اضافه کنیم:
من هر روز به مدرسه می روم
او هر روز به مدرسه می رود.
I goto school every day.
He goes to school every day.
او در حال نماز خواندن برای خداوند است.
او هر روز قبل از ساعت 6 برای خدا نماز می خواند.
او حالا در حال رفتن به مدرسه است.
او هر روز ساعت 8 به مدرسه می رود.
او اکنون مشغول باز کردن پنجره است.
او هر روز قبل از ساعت 7 پنجره را باز می کند.
او حالا روی این صندلی نشسته است.
او هر روز بعد از نهار روی این صندلی می نشیند.
او حالا در حال بستن در است.
او هر روز بعد از ظهر درها را می بندد.
او حالا در حال خواندن قرآن است.
او هر روز قرآن می خواند.
دانش اموز مشغول پاک کردن تخته سیاه می باشد.
دانش اموز هر روز صبح تخته سیاه را پاک می کنید.
دختر در حال خوردن نهار است.
دختر هر روز در ساعت 12 نهار می خورد.
او حالا در حال گوش کردن به معلم است.(به حرف معلم گوش می کند)
او هر روز به حرف معلم گوش می کند.
او حالا مشغول انجام تکلیفش می باشد.
او هر روز در عصر تکالیفش را انجام می دهد.
او حالا در حال قدم زدن به سمت مسجد است.
او هروز به سوی مسجد قدم می زند.
(پیاده به مسجدمی رود)
1- He is praying to Allah now.
2- He prays to Allah before Six o’clock every day.
3- He is going to school now.
4- He goes to school at eight o’clock every day.
5- He is opening the window now.
6- He opens the window before seven o’clock every day.
7- She is sitting in this chair now.
She sits in this chair after lunch every day.
8- He is closing the door now.
He closes the door in the afternoon every day.
9-he is reading the Koran now.
He reads the Koran every day.
10- The student is cleaning the blackboard now.
The student cleans the blackboard in the morning every day.
11- The girl is eating lunch now.
The girl eats lunch at twelve o’clock every day.
12- She is listening to the teacher now.
She listens to the teacher every day.
13- He is doing his homework now.
He does his homework in the evening every day.
14- He is walking to the mosque now.
He walks to the mosque every day.
تمرینات درس هجدهم
الف- از every day به now تبدیل کنید:
A-Change from “every day” to “now”:
She goes to school before eight o’clock every day.
She is going to school now.
1- She speaks English every day.
She is speaking English now.
2- He listens to the teacher every day.
He is listening to the teacher now.
3- My sister goes to school before eight o’clock every day.
My sister is going to school now.
4- She prays to Allah before 6 o’clock every day.
She is praying to Allah now.
5- He cleans the blackboard every day.
He is cleaning the blackboard now.
6- His brother eats lunch after a quarter past one every day.
His brother is eating lunch now.
7- He does his homework before 7 o’clock every day.
He is doing his homework now.
ب- از now به every day تبدیل کنید:
B-Change from “now” to “every day”:
Mina is opening the door now.
Mina opens the door every day,
1- Mina is closing the door now.
Mina closes the door every day.
2- His father is drinking water now.
His father drinks water every day.
3- Leila is cleaning the blackboard now.
Leila cleans the blackboard every day.
4- The teacher is sitting at the table.
The teacher sits at the table every day.
5- She is doing her homework now.
She does her homework every day.
6- The teacher is speaking English now.
The teacher speaks English every day.
7- Mahin is praying in the mosque now.
Mahin prays in the mosque every day.





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