Can در زبان انگلیسی

زبان انگلیسی | درس بیست و دوم Can در زبان انگلیسی



درس بیست و دوم

هما:صبح بخیر.

Homa: good morning.
پروین:صبح بخیر.حالتان چطور است؟

Parvin: good morning. How are you?
هما:خیلی خوب، متشکرم و شما چطورید

Homa: very well, thank you, and you?
پروین:خیلی خوبم؟

Parvin: very well.
هما: حالا به کجا می روید؟

Homa: where are you going now?
پروین:من دارم به مدرسه می روم. ساعت 8 است.

Parvin: I’m going to school. It’s eight o’clock.
هما:آیا اغلب ساعت 8 به مدرسه می روید؟

Homa: do you often go to school at eight o’clock?
پروین:بله، من همیشه ساعت 8 به مدرسه می روم.

Parvin: yes, I always go to school at eight.
هما:آیا آن کتاب انگلیسی شماست؟

Homa: is that your English book?
پروین:بله، ما امروز درس زبان انگلیسی داریم.

Parvin: yes, it is. We have an English lesson today.
هما:معلم انگلیسی شما چه کسی است.

Homa: who is your English teacher?
پروین:دوشیزه تابان.

Parvin: Miss Taban.
هما: لطفا اسمش را دوباره بگو.

Homa: please repeat her name.
پروین: دوشیزه تابان.

Parvin: Miss Taban.
هما:آیا شما در کلاس انگلیسی صحبت می کنید؟

Homa: do you speak English in the classroom?
پروین:بله، ما همیشه با دوشیزه تابان انگلیسی صحبت می کنیم.

Parvin: yes, we always speak English with Miss Taban.
او انگلیسی را خیلی خوب صحبت می کند. آیا شما می توانید انگلیسی صحبت کنید.

She speaks English very well. Can you speak English?
هما:بله، من می توانم؛ ما یک معلم انگلیسی خوبی داریم.

Homa: yes, I can. We have a good English teacher.
پروین:این مدرسه من است. خداحافظ.

Parvin: this is my school. Good-bye.
Homa: good-bye.

الف- لطفاً به دیوار اشاره کنید:
A-Please point to the wall.
الف-لطفاً به جعبه اشاره کیند.

A: please point to the box.
ب-من در حال اشاره کردن به جعبه هستم.

B: I am pointing to the box.
الف: لطفاً دانش آموزان را بشمارید.

A: please count the students.
ب- من در حال شمردن دانش آموزان هستم:یک، دو، سه…

B: I am counting the students: one two three…
الف-لطفاً یک صندلی رسم کنید(بکشید)

A: please draw a chair.
ب- من در حال کشیدن عکس یک صندلی هستم.

B: I am drawing a chair.
الف- آیا می توانید سئوال مرا جواب بدهید؟

A: can you answer my question?
ب- بله، من می توانم.

B: yes, I can.
الف-آیا می توانید روی تخته سیاه بنویسید؟

A: can you write on the blackboard?
ب:بله ، من می توانم.

B: yes, I can.
الف-لطفاً بیایید اینجا.

A: come here, please.

تمرینات درس بیست و دوم

A-make sentences with these words:
1-please open the door.
2-please count the students.
3-he is drawing a picture.
4- Please point to the wall.
5-he is coming here.
6-please repeat after the teacher.

ب-سئوالات را پاسخ دهید:

B-Answer the questions:
Can you draw a picture? (Yes)
Yes, I can draw a picture.
1- Can you write your name? (Yes)
Yes, I can write my name.
2- Can the students close the windows? (No)
No, the students can not close the windows.
3- Can Mehri write her name? (Yes)
Yes, Mehri can write her name.
4- Can you answer the questions? (No)
No, I can not answer the questions.
5- Can you walk to school today? (Yes)
Yes. I can walk to school today.
6- Please come here. What are you doing?
I am coming there.
7- Count the pictures. What are you doing?
I am counting the pictures.
8- Please draw a box. What are you doing?
I am drawing a box.
9- What are we doing now?
We are speaking English now.
10- Who can speak English?
We can speak English.

ج- لغات را در جای صحیح بگذارید:

C-Put the words into the right places:
He counts the students. (Always)
He always counts the students.
1- She plays at five o’clock. (Usually)
She usually plays at five o’clock.
2- You get up before six o’clock. (Always)
You always get up before six o’clock.
3- They drink tea at twelve o’clock. (Never)
They never drink tea at twelve o’clock.
4- He reads the Koran in the morning. (Usually)
He usually reads the Koran in the morning.
5-I clean the blackboard. (Often)
I often clean the blackboard.
6- She prays in the mosque. (Often)
She often prays in the mosque.


D-Give short answer:
Is he playing?
Yes, he is. NO, he isn’t.
Does he play?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t
1- Does he speak English?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
2- Do they walk every day?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
3- Are they reading books?
Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
4- Is he a teacher?
Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
5- Am I a student?
Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
6- Do you have a watch?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t have.
7- Do you sleep before eight o’clock?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
8- Is he washing his hands?
Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
9- Are they cleaning the blackboard?
Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
10- Do they clean the blackboard after the class?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.


الف- منفی کنید:

A-Change into the negative:
1- The students have many watches.
The students don’t have many watches.
2- Mr.Farshid cleans the blackboard every day.
Mr.Farshid doesn’t clean the blackboard every day.
3- These are clocks.
These aren’t clocks.
4- We are washing our faces now.
We are not washing our faces now.
5- They play in the afternoon.
They don’t play in the afternoon.


ب-سئوالی کنید:

B-Change into the questions:
1- This is a clean classroom.
Is this a clean classroom?
2- He has a good brother.
Does he have a good brother?
3- They are going back home.
Are they going back home?
4-I listen to my teacher every day.
Do you listen to your teacher every day?
5- The man is reading the Koran now.
Is the man reading the Koran now?
ج- از “now” به “every day” تبدیل کنید:
C-Change from “now” to “every day”:
He is standing now.
He stands every day.
1- The girl is sitting at that table now.
The girl sits at that table every day.
2-I am praying to Allah now.
I pray to Allah every day.
3- We are not doing our homework now.
We don’t do our homework every day.
4- He is not standing in the classroom now.
He doesn’t stand in the classroom every day.
5- You are doing your homework now.
You do your homework every day.
د-مطابق نمونه جملات را تغییر دهید
D-Change the sentences like the example:
It is a book (on the table)
There is a book on the table.
1- It is a bag. (Under the bench)
There is a bag under the bench.
2- They are students. (In the classroom)
There are students in the classroom.
3- It is a window. (In the room)
There is a window in the room.
4- They are apples. (In the box)
There are apples in the box.
5- They are boys. (In the mosque)
There are boys in the mosque.



سایت آموزشی