سوالی کردن جملات با Where

زبان انگلیسی | درس شانزدهم سوالی کردن جملات با Where

Where کجا



درس شانزدهم


قبل از شروع این لغات را یاد بگیرید:
Where کجا (وِر)
hungry گرسنه (هانگری)
Near نزدیک (نی یِر)
women زنها-زنان (وی من)
Tea چای (تی)
thirsty تشنه (تِرستی)
At the table پشت میز
happy خوشحال (هَپی)
Men مردها-مردان (مَن)
mosque مسجد (ماسک)
خودکارها کجاهستند؟
آنها روی میز تحریر هستند.
دانش آموزان کجا هستند؟
آنها در داخل باغ هستند.
صندلی ها کجا هستند؟
آنها نزدیک میز هستند.
دختر کجاست؟
او داخل کلاس است.
آنها کجا مشغول نماز خواندن هستند؟
آنها در مسجد در حال نماز خواندن هستند.
او کجا مشغول نوشیدن چای است؟
او مشغول نوشیدن چای در پشت میز است.
او کجا مشغول انجام تکالیفش می باشد؟
او در پشت میز مشغول انجام تکالیفش است.
بچه ها مشغول خوردن هستند.
آنها گرسنه هستند.
خانمها در حال نوشیدن آب هستند.
آنها تشنه هستند.
بچه مشغول بازی کردن هستند.
آنها خوشحال هستند.
مردها در حال قدم زدن هستند.
حالشان خیلی خوب است.


1- Where are the pens?
They are on the desk.
2- Where are the students?
They are in the garden.
3- Where are the chairs?
They are near the table.
4- Where is the girl?
She is in the classroom.
5- Where are they praying?
They are praying in the mosque.
6- Where is she drinking tea?
She is drinking tea at the table.
7- Where is he doing his homework?
He is doing his homework at the table.
8- The boys are eating.
They are hungry.
9- The women are drinking water.
They are thirsty.
10- The boys are playing.
They are happy.
11- The men are walking.
They are very well.

تمرینات درس شانزدهم

الف- سئوالات را پاسخ دهید:

حالا کجا می روید؟
من حالا در حال رفتن به مدرسه هستم.
A- Answer the questions:
Where are you going now?
I’m going to school now.

1- Where are you sitting now?
1-I’m sitting in the classroom.

2- Where is the box? (Under…)
2- it’s under the table.

3- Is the boy hungry?
3- Yes, he is hungry.

4- Who is listening to the teacher now?
4- Ali is listening to the teacher.

5- What is there on the wall? (Picture)
5- there is a picture on the wall.

6- Where is your book?
6- My book is on the table.

7- Is your father happy?
7- Yes, my father is happy.

8- What are you?
8-I am a teacher.

9- Who are you?
9-I am Ali Mehrabi.

10- Where are they praying?
10- They are praying in the mosque.

11- What are those women reading?
11- They are reading the Koran.

12- Are the men very well?
12- Yes, they are very well.

13- Do you have two eyes and two ears?
13- Yes, I have two eyes and two ears.

14- What is your mother doing at the table?
14- She is cleaning the table.

15- Where is she going now? (The mosque)
15- she is going to the mosque.

ب- با who-what- where سئوالی کنید:
نکته دستوری:
در مورد دو کلمه what و who که جمله را سئوالی می کنند قبلاً توضیحات لازم داده شده است آنچه بایستی در این درس بیاموزید کلمه سئوالی where(کجا) می باشد. زمانی از این کلمه استفاده می شود که مکان مجهول باشد. بنابراین اگر قرار باشد جمله ای را که مکان در آن وجود دارد با کلمه سئوالی where به صورت سئوالی بنویسیم بایستی مکان آن جمله حذف شود.
او روی صندلی نشسته است.
او کجا نشته است؟
B-Ask questions with: who, what, where:
He is sitting on the chair.
Where is he sitting?
1- She is Maryam. (Who)
Who is she?
2- She is a teacher. (What)
What is she?
3- The boy is very well. (Who)
Who is very well?
4- I am going to school. (Who)
Who is going to school?
5- I am going to school. (Where)
Where am I going?
6- He is walking (who)
Who is walking?
7-Mr.Javan is praying in the mosque. (Who)
Who is praying in the mosque?
8- Mr.Javan is praying in the mosque. (What)
What is Mr. Javan doing in the mosque?
9- Mr.Javan is praying in the mosque (where)
Where is Mr.Javan praying?
10-they are lips. (What)
What are they?
11-the blackboard is near the wall. (Where)
Where is the blackboard?
12- The men are happy. (Who)
Who is happy?
13- I am doing my homework now. (What)
What am I doing now?
14- A man has a body and a head. (Who)
Who has a body and a head?
15- Parvin and Parviz are very thirsty. (Who)
Who is very thirsty?




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